The Playoff Teams Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers

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The weekend of the playoffs was exciting. James’ didn’t get to watch any of the games but he was given four very important team logos. After the Packers and the Steelers won, we received Team manifests and had only 48 hours to create and print the signs for the locker rooms, the practice facilities and hotels. It was insane, things were moving really fast now and we had an ice storm. I remember waking up to the sound of the ice as it hit the ground and thinking, ‘œthere is no way James can drive to Arlington. But, he did.

Every day that week, he woke up at 5am and drove to Arlington in freezing temperatures and icy conditions. Everyone had to, Chris Lopez, our awesome and hard working employee, and our print partners printed and delivered everyday. We didn’t miss a deadline. But, it was COLD.

The project was a once in a lifetime opportunity and we were not going to make any mistakes or not do our part. The signs were getting more and more fun now that we knew the teams.

Picture of Lynn Fellhauer

Lynn Fellhauer

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