Being in the printing industry over 25 years has offered me the opportunity to meet all kinds of clients. Occasionally, you come across a client who challenges you creatively and pushes you to learn and grow.
I have one such client now. Richard Bettinger of David Sutherland Design. Richard found The Graphic Edge on google. I had recently optimized my website and he was one of my first clients to come from the search engine “machine” that is google.
Richard is a photo artist. He creates his art through manipulated camera images utilizing light and camera to create incredible pieces of art. Richard was looking for a printer to direct print his images to different types of substrates whether aluminum, PVC or wood.

Richard is very particular. His high end clients expect nothing less than perfect and his images deserve nothing less than perfect. Herein lies the challenge. Digital printing is not a perfect process. There are many variables that affect the final product, the aluminum we print on, a special ink profile or even the way the ink jets spray the dots on different types of substrates. We also have to take in to account dust particles that may cause ink to miss a spot on the aluminum. Each job is carefully inspected before sent to the framer and ultimately installed in its final home.

Each piece is unique and lovingly created and I feel it is important for us to make sure they are executed to come as close as possible to Richard’s original images. Richard’s projects are rewarding, challenging and something to be proud of.

We have done pretty good. I have included a few examples during this blog post. Recently, we have had a pretty big challenge in doing die cut aluminum to be used as a kitchen and bath counter. From beginning to end, we babysat this job. First matching color and then making sure each piece of aluminum was cut to the precise measurement, the final printed piece had to be perfect. First, the installer scratched it and we had to reprint a panel, then the courier dinged it and we had to print another panel. Finally, the same panel having reprint 4 times was ready to be installed. The counter is so unique, the homeowner loves it and it will be featured in a high profile design magazine next year.
It is my pleasure to work with Bettinger Design. Feel free to check out his website and let us work on the next piece of art for your home or office.